Some examples of trips

The trips we offer have been designed with the best itineraries and partners in mind; however, the best trip is the one you choose. It is therefore essential to discuss your tastes, desires and motivations together, as well as the budget you have planned for your trip, in order to build the trip that corresponds exactly to what you want.

Do not hesitate to read our practical information and our blog articles to prepare your trip as well as possible


2 days at Abbé Lake and Assal Lake

- Djibouti -


With our circuit «2 days at Lake Abbé and Lake Assal», you will live an adventure of exceptional intensity with the visit of the 2 jewels of the Republic of Djibouti that are Lake Abbé and Lake Assal.

2 days is short; however everything has been organized to make you discover all the curiosities of these 2 sites unique in the world, without stress and taking the time to appreciate all they have to offer.

At Abbé Lake: you will witness the spectacle of sunset and sunrise in the middle of the chimneys. You will approach the flamingos and observe the many animal species that inhabit the shores of the lake and move on the trail that leads to it.

At Lake Assal: you will make the most of this magical place. Indeed you can even take a bath there, and we will picnic at noon on the spot!

For more information on these 2 essential sites, see the blog article dedicated to them



2 jours au Lac Abbé et au lac Assal

Photo safari trip to Djibouti

- Djibouti -


The Republic of Djibouti is a particularly interesting travel destination for nature lovers given the diversity of its fauna and flora.

Its geography and its preserved spaces make it a region where live endemic species whose observation is sought after by animal specialists.

This is why we have designed this stay entirely devoted to the discovery of terrestrial animal species that can only be found in the Horn of Africa, or even on the territory of Djibouti alone. The trip includes 2 parts, each corresponding to the geographical areas where the animals live. The first part of the stay takes place in the mountainous regions of the north of the country where the Djibouti leopard and francolin live. The second part of the trip is made in the south where we will be able to observe the beira antelope, the gazelle-giraffe, the Dik-dik, the gundi or pectinator of Speke, and the shrew-elephant of Somalia rediscovered in 2020 in this region.

For more information on the endemic animal species to be discovered, please refer to our article 6 ENDEMIC LAND ANIMALS OF DJIBOUTI

For a general overview of Djibouti's wildlife, see our article Discovering the animals of Djibouti




- Djibouti -


This trip has been designed to enable you to visit Djibouti's must-see attractions in maximum comfort, with a choice of accommodation and the country's best restaurants.

But you'll still be an "active" traveller, with excursions on foot, snorkelling and buggy trips all on the programme.

Finally, authenticity and relations with the local people are not neglected, with a visit to a family in their traditional home, and to the village of Dougoum.

Naturally, as with all Africorne Travel holidays, this programme can be adapted to best suit your requirements.


Camel trekking in Djibouti

- Djibouti -


This trip has been designed for lovers of walking and the sea bed, but it will still allow you to visit the 'must-sees' of Djibouti. You'll begin your journey amid the lunar landscapes of Lake Abbe before setting off on a 5-day trek that will take you from the camp on Lake Abbe to the salt flats of Lake Assal, in total autonomy, at the pace of camels. Then you'll fill up on fresh air and greenery as you walk between the Day and Dittilou campsites. The end of the trip is devoted to the underwater wonders of Djibouti, with days at Ras Ali in Tadjourah Bay and at Arta, where you can even go whale-shark watching (if you travel between mid-November and the end of January).




Travel Ethiopia Djibouti: rift lakes, Balé, Harar

- Ethiopia -


This very complete trip allows you to fully enjoy Ethiopia and Djibouti on a unique stay.

After spending 2 days in Addis Ababa to get to know the capital and the heights of Entoto, you will reach the lakes of the great African rift, Ziway, Langano, Awasa; you will spend a night in the comfortable lodges of each of them.

Then a complete change of environment with the 2 days incursion we will make in the BALE Mountains, renowned for the presence of endemic mammals such as the Abyssinian wolf, the most famous of them.

Then we will stop in Wondo Genet to enjoy its hot springs, and in Awash, before arriving in Harar (where we will spend the night in an amazing house in the old town...).

After visiting the sites of the region we will leave Dire Dawa to go to the Republic of Djibouti where we will have time to appreciate some of the remarkable sites, such as the Assal Lake whose beauty inspired the writer-adventurer J. Kessel, the Goubet and its Devil's Island, the Abe Lake famous for its lunar landscapes and its sunsets and sunrises. You will have the opportunity to stay in 2 famous camps of the country, one on the seaside near Tadjourah where you will be amazed by the underwater fauna and flora, the other one in the Goda Mountains well placed in a green setting, which will give you the opportunity to visit gardens and villages around.

Finally you will return to the Ethiopian capital by a flight from Djibouti to Addis.


11 days of a trip to Ethiopia and Djibouti

- Djibouti -


This trip has been designed for those who, over a short period of time, wish to make an incursion into Ethiopia during their stay in Djibouti. Thus you will appreciate some of the jewels of the Republic of Djibouti, such as the Assal Lake whose beauty is a source of inspiration for poets, the Goubet and its Devil's Island, the Abbé Lake famous for its lunar landscapes and its sunsets and sunrises; You will stay in 2 famous camps of the country, one on the seaside near Tadjourah where you will be amazed by the underwater fauna and flora, the other one in the Goda Mountains well placed in a green setting, which will give you the opportunity to visit gardens and villages around.

You will spend the second part of the trip in the 2 major cities of South-East Ethiopia: the peaceful Diré Dawa with its markets, and Harar where you will stay one night in the heart of the old walled city; you will have the opportunity to visit the elephant sanctuary of Babillé, a site of rock carvings, ... without forgetting the spectacle of the meal of the hyenas at nightfall.


Travel to Ethiopia: 7 lakes and 9 Omo tribes

- Ethiopia -


In this trip to Ethiopia you will discover the tribes of the OMO, and many other sites. After the capital Addis Ababa, this dense and balanced stay will make you discover some of the contrasting universes of Ethiopia:

  • The lakes of the Great African Rift: Ziway, Langano, Abiata, Shala, Awasa, Chamo and Abaya; you will meet the fishermen who populate their shores and enjoy the comfort of the lodges where you will stop;
  • The tribes of the valley of the OMO: Hamer, Mursi, Konso, Dassanech, Dorzé, Karo, Ari, Surma, Benna; you will go to their markets, real places of life and meetings; you will visit their villages, and know their rituals and traditions for example by attending an amazing ceremony of bull jumping, and a show of traditional dances;
  • You will approach the most imposing crocodiles of Africa in their natural environment at Lake Chamo

You can make the most of your trip with 4 4 vehicle transport from Addis to the Omo Valley, high-quality accommodation throughout the journey, and return to Addis by domestic flight from Arba-Minch


Ethiopia: Tana, Simien, Aksoum, Dallol, Lalibela

- Ethiopia -


This 15-day trip makes us discover the many facets of northern Ethiopia. It is offered subject to the situation of the region guaranteeing a safe stay. The bubbling capital Addis Ababa contrasts with the sweetness of life of Lake Tana where we will spend 2 nights to appreciate its monasteries and discover the Blue Nile springs. Our passage through the Simien Mountains with its grandiose landscapes will be an opportunity to know the traditions of its inhabitants and to approach certain endemic species of Ethiopia. Still further north, the visit of the Aksum obelisk and the vertiginous churches of Tigray give us an overview of the history of Ethiopia. This trip will also take us through the incomparable adventure of an expedition to Dallol in the Danakil desert, to discover incredible landscapes and meet the courageous populations who exploit the salt there. Finally we will stop in the unmissable city of Lalibela.


2 jours au Lac Abbé et au lac Assal

Travel Ethiopia: Rift Lakes, BALE Mountains, Harar

- Ethiopia -


We start the trip in the modern and lively capital Addis Ababa, where we will visit the museums and the heights, before taking the road to the Great Rift Lakes; we will stop in Ziway, Langano and Awassa, where fishing is very important. Then we will discover the mountainous landscapes of the Bale Mountains where we will try to approach some of the endemic animal species. We will stop at Wendo Genet where we will appreciate the hot springs, before going to Harar and Dire Dawa (we will even spend a night in a surprising "hostel" in the old town...).


Trip to Djibouti: beaches, mountains, rock carvings

- Djibouti -


Lovers of prehistory will appreciate the visit of Abourma, a site of rock engravings over nearly 2 kilometers: dating from the Neolithic era, it was not until 2008 that it was listed by French archaeologists.

This trip will enable you to take full advantage of the wide range of sites and activities offered by the country on land and sea: swimming on 3 beaches with marvellous underwater fauna and flora: Ras Ali, Ras Bir, and Korambado or Moucha, pirogue excursion in the Godoria mangrove swamp.

You can even try to approach the whale shark in Arta during the season with a maximum probability of swimming above it for a few moments!

You will discover the mythical Lake Assal whose beauty inspired the writer-adventurer J Kessel...

You will spend a night at Lake Abbé to enjoy its sunrise and sunset in the middle of the chimneys, and approach its pink flamingos; Rumor has it that its lunar landscape was used as a backdrop for the movie "Planet of the Apes"...even if it isn't, that doesn't take anything away from the extraordinary character of the place!

Not forgetting an invigorating foray into the lush green landscapes of the Goda Mountains.


2 jours au Lac Abbé et au lac Assal

Hiker's trail

- Djibouti -


The "Hikers" stay will make you discover the terrestrial fauna and flora of the mountainous areas of Djibouti thanks to two superb hikes between three charming camps of the Goda mountains. Bring a pair of walking shoes! and a camera to capture the endemic francolin or klipspringer.

This tour will also allow you to discover the "must-see" places of Djibouti, including the cities of Djibouti, Obock and Tadjourah.

You will be captivated by the rings of colors of Lake Assal, well described by the writer-adventurer J Kessel.

You will spend an unforgettable night at Lake Abbé, where you will enjoy the amazing sunset and sunrise in the middle of a lunar and contrasting landscape, since the shores of Lake Abbé are also a grazing area for donkeys and goats; their herds, according to an immutable daily ritual, leave there every morning, to leave them at nightfall.

A pirogue ride will take you into the Godoria mangrove north of Ras Bir and the eponymous lighthouse.

You will picnic at Goubet opposite the disturbing Devil's Island, near the shark pit.

Equipped with a simple snorkel mask, you will enjoy the wonderful spectacle offered by the underwater fauna and flora at Ras Ali, Korambado, and on Maskali Island; unless you prefer deep-water scuba diving around nearby Musha Island.

And you will have a great chance of encountering the whale shark, in the season between mid-November and the end of January, off Arta... definitely don't forget your flippers, mask and snorkel!



Djibouti trip: mangrove, whale shark, lakes

- Djibouti -


This circuit called "Sea and lakes" favors the aquatic environment. This is why it radiates from the city of Djibouti to the most beautiful beaches and lakes in the country.

We have added a passage in the green Goda Mountains, in order to give you an overview of the mountain areas and allow you to experience the experience of a return to Djibouti city by ferry.

The colors of Lake Assal and its salt ice surrounded by lava are always a wonder, well translated by the image of the 3 circles evoked by the writer-adventurer J Kessel.

You will spend a night at Lac Abbé where you will enjoy the legendary sunset and sunrise. The lunar landscape of the place explains the rumor that it was used as a setting for the 1st version of the movie "Planet of the Apes"'s only a rumor, but the place is extraordinary nonetheless !

You will never tire of observing the wonderful fauna and flora of the seabed in Ras Ali or Korambado, and you will have the chance to approach the whale shark in the season from mid-November to the end of January. Don't forget your fins, mask and snorkel!

A canoe ride will take you into the Godoria mangrove located north of Obock.

Besides Djibouti, you will visit the towns of Obock and Tadjourah.


2 jours au Lac Abbé et au lac Assal

Djibouti trip: beaches, mountains, Abbé and Assal lakes

- Djibouti -


The circuit "Beaches and Camps" will allow you in one week, to have an excellent overview of the "representative" sites of Djibouti.

You will stay for a day near the village of Ardo, in the charming camp of Bankoualé nestled in the green Goda mountains.

You will have a picnic at the Goubet opposite Devil's Island.

You will be amazed by the underwater flora and fauna at the Ras Ali camp and at Arta beach.

You can swim in Lake Assal, one of the saltiest lakes in the world, whose beauty inspired the writer-adventurer J Kessel...

And you will spend a night at Lake Abbé to enjoy its legendary sunset and sunrise in the middle of a lunar landscape...
